Friday, September 9, 2011

the reading of the novel'francis ittikkora' by t.d. ramakrishnan

the reading of t,d, ramakrishnan's novel 'francis ittikkora' is a sheer activity of intellectual pleasure because it provides amle evidences of contemporary tech-savvy society which has started the journey back to the neanderthal past.Its a degradation that has struck the society but the society has its own mechanism to masquerade it'.The novel informs the reader that in present society, in the scheme of evil,how the different enterprises of humanity are vigorously participating.The society finds its own mechanism to behave and survive in the present time.the novel extols the philosophy which is much accepted by post modernistsand poststructuralists that fragmentation is the foundation of the modern society and wwith an utter shock and disgust that we recognise that we are back to the suare one.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

this is the finer side of life,may i make a liitle bit of seriousness from this amalgamation of different perspectives .i used to laugh at people silently who try very hard to convince me their convictions. this is one side of absurdity that i face severely in my can i run away from this absurdity, just dont know .people look at others from their own nasty stingingly convinced perspectives and they lack the sheer commonsense to understand that others are often groping in the dark equally for their cinvictions